Keep Christ in Christmas by Participating in the Knights of Columbus Poster Contest
Children are invited to create posters reflecting the theme of
Keep Christ in Christmas. Each poster shall be the original work of a single person. The poster must be 11”x 17” in size using any medium. If pastels, chalk or charcoal are used, the poster must be laminated or covered in clear plastic. Submit the poster with an entry form available in the church vestible. Place the entrants name and age on the back of the poster. $25.00 will be awarded to the winner in 5 to 7, 8 to 10 and 11 to 14 age groups. Points will be awarded as follows:
· Theme – 30 points – How clearly is the theme presented?
· Visuals – 30 points – How do the visual effects convey the message?
· Overall Impact – 40 points – How well does the poster capture your attention and cause you to reflect on the Christmas season?
Submission deadline is 15 December and winners will be announced
19 December. All Posters become the property of the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council. Council winners will be submitted for District competition and have the chance to win there and at State and International levels.